Is It Worth For A Local Business To Blog On Its Site For SEO Purposes?

You have a local business with a website. You want to know if it’s worth it for you to blog for SEO purposes. We are here to tell you that yes even if you are a local business it’s definitely worth it to blog for SEO purposes. Blogging is an important part of SEO these days.

The SEO Benefits of Local Business Blogging

Why should I blog for SEO purposes?
Blogging helps drive traffic to your website. No matter if you’re a local or a national business, blogging regularly improves your search engine rankings. This brings more traffic to your website. Every time you blog, you are adding content to your website. This improves your search engine indexing. How? Sites that regularly update their content are ranked higher in search engines than those that do not. The bottom line is if you blog for SEO purposes regularly, you will improve your rankings.
Blogging helps you get discovered on social media. Every time you write a blog post, you should share it with your social networks. This helps expose your content to a new market that may not know you yet. If you write informative local blogs and people like it, they will share it with their networks. This gets you in front of new people you wouldn’t reach otherwise. The more people who know you, the better your organic traffic will be. The better your content, the more likely people are to respond to it and share it.
Blogging helps convert your traffic into leads.  Once you have traffic coming into your website, you can look at each new post as a way to convert that traffic into leads. Make sure to add a lead generating call to action at the end of your post. These calls to action can be to download free ebooks or fact sheets or any type of content asset that someone would be willing to trade their information for. You should consider what level of conversions you’d like and see if it’s feasible by checking your analytics at least monthly. 

Blogging helps you establish authority. Local businesses need to have a certain level of authority to be considered by search engines. If you consistently provide relevant and interesting content related to your industry or niche, you will not only be helping your target audience, you will be helping improve your search engine rankings. If prospects find answers to their questions via blog posts written by you or people at your company, then they are more likely to come into the sales funnel. Your audience will trust you as a resource and will probably trust you as the solution provider for their unique problem.
Blogging gives you SEO juice for a long time to come. If you have a blog post that ranks high in search engines for a specific keyword, that blog post will stay in search engine results long past the time it was written. That means it has staying power and will help you get residual traffic.
Now, local blogging is not really different than national blogging. You just make sure that you include your location in the keywords you choose to write your blogs and rank for. This will help you be seen by people in your general location. We definitely advocate blogging for SEO purposes. We hope that this article has helped you determine that it’s important for you to do.


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